PPC (Pay-per-click) is the trusted aspect of internet marketing and advertising model to generate high volumes of traffic and making your online business. We aim to cut down the cost-per-conversion and increasing the conversion rates. We have the dedicated team of PPC professionals who do an extensive research on our client's field and area of business to strategize and target the specific audience and the best suited keywords. We help the advertisers to reach the target market quickly by writing ads, providing the best landing pages and social media platforms and selecting the right search engines. We design the custom ad campaign by careful monitoring based upon your requirements and investments.

At USA Probity IT, we take the PPC advertising to the next level and add the newer dimensions to the quality and cost-effectiveness. We possess the proven track record and our impact on PPC industry in terms of transparency of campaign's strategy and the strict adherence to the best practices.

Our PPC services:

  • PPC Management and Optimization.
  • Automated campaigning software development.
  • Extensive search algorithms for keywords.
  • Advertisement development and testing.
  • PPC bid and account management.
  • Link Building and higher CTR ratio.
  • Designing, development and testing of landing pages.
  • Development of billing model.
  • Installation of tracking code.
  • Reducing costs per sale and lead generation.
  • Increasing ROI with tracking analysis.
  • Quality-score check at regular intervals.
  • Cross-search engine management between Google AdWords, BingAdcentor and Yahoo.
  • Web analysis for adequate comparison between before and after performance data.
  • Comprehensive competitor and industry analysis.
  • Life-term Maintenance and Management.